University of Maine School of Social Work students — Brook James, Mali Soctomah, Marissa Valliere — and their faculty sponsor, Beverly Wagner, LCSW, Ed.D, are conducting a research study on reproductive health and impacts of relationship-centered care. Their study aims to use research to find how midwives and doulas fill in the gaps in reproductive health and their impacts as well as current barriers experienced by women and birthing persons. Read details below to learn more about how you can participate in their research.

University of Maine School of Social Work - Student Research Project

Online Survey

Reproductive Care & Birthing Persons

Understanding the Impacts of Relationship-Centered Care, Current Gaps, and Outcomes for Reproductive Health

You are invited to participate in an anonymous survey for a research project at the University of Maine School of Social Work. Participants must be 18 years of age or older as well identify with any gender but must have female reproductive organs.

The purpose of this research is to understand the knowledge and use of relationship-centered care and the impacts it has on access and gaps of services for reproductive care for women and birthing persons.

Participation is voluntary and will only take 15-20 minutes. You may skip or end the survey at any time.

Contact information for the principal investigator, as well as the faculty sponsor at the University of Maine, will be listed on the consent form before you start the survey. If you have any questions please reach out to the principal investigator at

We thank you for your time and willingness to participate in this study on reproductive health.


Providers — Doulas & Midwives

You are invited to participate in a University of Maine research study done by Brook James, Mali Soctomah, Marissa Valliere, and faculty sponsor Beverly Wagner, LCSW, Ed.D from the School of Social Work. This participation includes an interview via Zoom (audio) or telephone which will take an average of 30 minutes. To participate within this study, you must be a provider (i.e. doula or midwife) aged 18 years or older that practices within the state of Maine.

The purpose of this research is to understand how relationship-centered care impacts clients, how clients are able to access your services, and your experience and viewpoints as providers.

Your participation is voluntary. Interviews will be audio recorded or notes will be taken throughout the interview if you do not wish to be audio recorded. Consent forms are attached here for your review.

Participants should contact the principal investigator, Brook James, if you are interested in scheduling an interview. Brook James can be reached at If any questions or concerns arise, the faculty sponsor Beverly Wagner, can also be reached at

We thank you for your time and willingness to participate in this study on reproductive health.