Maine has a citizen legislature; the people who are elected are regular Mainers just like you… and they want to hear from regular Mainers, just like you! Taking action on the issues that are important to you is a great way to help them learn more about their districts’ needs, and to bring attention to important issues.

Explore Our Action Guides

Raise Your Voice

  • For a comprehensive guide on how to write and deliver testimony, go to our Public Hearing & Testimony Guide HERE!

    Testifying on a bill at a public hearing is a key opportunity for lawmakers to hear from the public and stakeholders about the pros and cons of proposed legislation.  Anyone can write/deliver testimony on any bill!

    If you are interested in testifying on any bill, you can:

    1. Go in person to the Maine State House in Augusta to deliver live, spoken testimony

    2. Write and submit written testimony any time before the public hearing

    3. Deliver live, spoken testimony remotely on Zoom

    For a comprehensive guide on how to write and deliver testimony, go to our Public Hearing & Testimony Guide HERE!

  • Legislators want to hear from the people that they represent and serve, and they want to know about real stories and experiences of their communities. Remember that they are people too; do your best to be short and straightforward, and avoid being strident or disrespectful (even if you’re angry or upset). Whether you reach out by phone, email, or in a letter, most legislator outreach should include the same core elements:

    Dear {Representative or Senator}, 

    {Make a connection – why should they listen to you?}

    {Tell them about the issue that you care about}

    {Tell them why it matters, especially if you have personal experience}

    {Make your ask}

    {Thank them for their time and work}


    {Your name}

  • You will likely be leaving a message, so if you’re shy on the phone don’t worry! You should also include your name and address so that your legislator knows that you are one of their constituents.

    Hello, my name is {Your Name} and I live at {your address}. I am asking you to please be a champion for Paid Family and Medical Leave in the upcoming legislative session. Working families do not have the flexibility they need to care for their loved ones and themselves without risking financial insecurity. Paid leave would have made a big difference to my family {how?}, and I hope you can support this issue in the legislature. Thank you for your support of Maine workers and their loved ones.

  • Here’s a sample you can start with:

    Dear Representative Bojangles, 

    (Make the connection) As one of your constituents and a regular voter in your district, I’m reaching out today to ask you to please be a champion for Paid Family and Medical Leave in the upcoming legislative session. (Give them the ‘why’) Working families do not have the flexibility they need to care for their loved ones and themselves without risking financial insecurity. This is true anytime, but especially during a pandemic. (Make it personal) I know that Paid Family and Medical Leave would have made a huge difference in my family health when I (gave birth/had to care for my parent/was recovering from ____). (Make the ‘ask): I hope that you will be a leader on this issue for Maine families this session. 

    (Thank them!) Thank you for your support of Maine workers and their loved ones.


  • Dear {Representative},

    My name is {your name here} and I live at {your address}. I am reaching out today to request a meeting with you and a small group of voters about Paid Family and Medical Leave in Maine. For too long Mainers have been forced to choose between their family and their finances when a disruptive life event occurs. Whether it’s the birth of a new child or caregiving responsibilities for an aging family member, there are times when work cannot come first. Maine workers deserve flexible and family friendly policies that allow these life events to occur without throwing entire families into financial insecurity.

    We would like to meet with you to learn more about where you stand on these issues, and if your constituents can count on you to be a champion for Maine’s workers and their families by supporting Paid Family and Medical Leave in our state.

    I look forward to your response.


    {Your Name}

  • 1 Gather a group of 5 or so folks from your community who are passionate about the issue of paid leave or other caregiving and workers’ rights issues.

    2. Reach out to your legislator. We recommend starting with email but you can also call their office and leave a message. Be confident! Your legislator is probably really excited to hear from you and would love an easy opportunity to connect with their constituents (especially if your legislator was just elected for the first time – they will certainly be on their best behavior!).

    3. Reach out to the Maine Women’s Lobby! We would be happy to set up the Zoom meeting or technical infrastructure that you need to hold a meeting with your legislator.

    4. At the meeting you should be focusing on sharing with your legislator why an issue is important to you. Sharing the stories of the ways you and your community are impacted by an issue is a great place to start.

    5. Once you have shared your thoughts, ask your legislator what their position on this issue is and what work they plan to do on it. If there is an upcoming bill that’s relevant to your issue, ask your legislator if they will vote in favor of it or not.

    A small meeting can make a big difference in how your representative views something and votes!

  • Letters To the Editor (LTEs) are a key way to engage your community on an issue you care about. Check out our guide for writing and publishing an LTE HERE.

Find Your Legislators

Take the Next Step with Advocacy

  • How-To Video Series

    These two to three minute videos show you how to navigate the Legislative website and find what you’re looking for.

  • Mini Explainers

    What’s the deal with “cloture”? In these 15 - 60 second TikTok videos, we tell you what’s the deal with different advocacy terms.

  • Bill Tracker

    Follow along with gender-equity bills in real time, as we update the tracker each week with over 100 priority bills.

Learn, Share, & Connect

We regularly host or co-host events, actions, trainings, and other opportunities to take action for gender equity with our member community and partners. Connect with an opportunity or take a look at the statewide feminist calendar in our events tab!

Help Guide our Work

Our goals is to open the doors of the Statehouse to those who are often left out of policy and advocacy, to help make it more understandable and less mysterious, and help you feel that you belong in the halls of power. Let us know what kinds of tools, trainings, or resources will help us build gender equity for all!