LD 117, “An Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Assault Services.” March 20.
LD 875, “An Act to Fund Essential Services for Victims of Domestic Violence.” March 19.
LD 865, “An Act to Require MaineCare to Reimburse for Lactation Services in the Homes of Eligible Persons.” March 18.
LD 561, “An Act to Ensure Subsidy Reimbursements for Certain Child Care Providers.” March 14.
LD 709, “An Act to Establish the Respite for ME Program.” March 14.
LD 518, “Resolve, Increasing Access to Maternal and Child Health Care.” March 13.
LD 799,“An Act to Report Gender Wage Gaps.” March 12.
LD 522, “Resolve, Directing the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women to Study the Extent of Workforce Gender Segregation in the State.” March 12
LD 818, “An Act to Allow Expenditure of Maine Clean Election Act Funding for the Care of Candidates' Dependents.” March 10.
LD 143, “An Act to Improve Women's Health and Economic Security by Funding Family Planning Services.” March 10.
LD 260, "RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Establishing That All Maine Residents Have Equal Rights Under the Law." March 4.
LD 549, “An Act to Establish a Statewide Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit Tracking System and Update Certain Requirements Regarding Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kits.” February 26.
LD 246, “An Act to Establish Sentencing Alternatives for Primary Caregivers.” February 26.
LD 210, “An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations from the General Fund (on Health and Human Services).” February 24.
LD 153, “An Act to Provide Compensation to Members of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women to Enhance Equitable Commission Participation from Across the State.” February 10.
LD 60, “An Act to Allow Employees to Request Flexible Work Schedules.” February 5.
LD 54, “An Act to Require Disclosure of Pay Ranges and Record Keeping of Pay History.” February 5.
LD 163, “An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Federally Approved Nonprescription Oral Hormonal Contraceptives.” February 5.
LD 210, “An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations from the General Fund (on Taxation).” February 3.
LD 2283, “An Act to Enact the Crisis Intervention Order Act to Protect the Safety of the Public.” April 5.
LD 2224, “An Act to Strengthen Public Safety by Improving Maine’s Firearm Laws and Mental Health System.” March 7. Delivered by Lily James.
LD 227, “An Act Regarding Health Care in the State.” March 5. Delivered by Brenna Mayer, Policy Intern (MSW, Columbia University, 2024)
LD 2235, “Resolve, Directing the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, the State Court Administrator and the Executive Director of the Legislative Council to Add a 3rd Option for Gender on State Forms.” March 4. Delivered by Gia Drew of Equality Maine on behalf of our coalition.
LD 2237, “An Act to Strengthen Public Safety, Health and Well-being by Expanding Services and Coordinating Violence Prevention Resources.” March 4.
LD 2007, “An Act to Advance Self-determination for Wabanaki Nations.” February 26.
LD 2203, “An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Federally Approved Nonprescription Oral Hormonal Contraceptives.” February 20.
LD 2199, “An Act to Ensure Subsidy Reimbursements and Emergency Financial Assistance for Certain Child Care Providers.” February 20.
LD 1948, “An Act to Amend the State's Data Governance Program Regarding Proprietary Data.” February 6.
LD 1877, “An Act to Reduce the Number of Children Living in Deep Poverty by Adjusting Assistance for Low-income Families.” February 1.
LD 2084, “An Act to Provide Funding for Essential Services for Victims of Crimes.” January 23.
LD 780, “Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Protect Personal Reproductive Autonomy.” January 22.
LD 1975, “An Act to Implement a Statewide Public Health Response to Substance Use and Amend the Laws Governing Scheduled Drugs.” January 17.
LD 254, “An Act to Update the Sex Education and Consent Curriculum.” January 9.
LD 1964, “An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program.” May 25.
LD 258, “An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations”… funding Paid Family and Medical Leave in the state budget, May 18.
LD 348, “An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools.” May 9.
Abortion Restriction Bundle, May 5.
LD 1809 "An Act to Prohibit Health Care Services Without Parental Consent.” May 5, with Maine Transgender Network, Maine Women's Lobby, OUT Maine, GLAD, EqualityMaine.
LD 1410: “An Act to Hold School Employees Civilly Liable for Failure to Notify Parents Regarding Medical Issues of Students Under 18 Years of Age.” May 5.
LD 1544, “An Act to Improve Economic Security for Maine Children by Establishing the Maine Dependent Tax Credit.” May 4.
LD 1516, “An Act to Establish Alternative Sentencing for Primary Caregivers.” May 2.
LD 1334, “An Act to Protect the Reproductive Freedom of Maine People by Preempting the Field of Abortion Regulation” and other Abortion Access bills, on behalf of Maine Women’s Lobby, GLAD, and Equality Maine. May 1.
LD 1412, "RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Establishing That All Maine Residents Have Equal Rights Under the Law.” April 24.
LD 1522, “An Act to Provide Economic Justice to Historically Disadvantaged Older Citizens by Amending the Laws Governing the Medicare Savings Program.” April 20.
LD 1478, “An Act to Improve Women's Health and Economic Security by Funding Family Planning Services.” April 19.
LD 1040, “An Act to Require Reimbursement for Gender-affirming Care for MaineCare Members.” April 11. Joint testimony with Equality Maine, ACLU of Maine, Maine Academy of Pediatrics, Maine Chapter, and GLAD-GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders.
LD 1435, “An Act to Reduce Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” April 10. Joint testimony on behalf of Equality Maine, Maine TransNet, GLAD, and Portland Outright.
LD 1436, “An Act to Provide Remedies for Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” April 10.
LD 794, “An Act to Expand the Membership of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women.” March 31.
LD 566, “An Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Assault Services.” March 27.
LD 489, “An Act to provide equal educational opportunity by adopting rules ensuring nondiscrimination on the basis of protected class status in educational institutions.” March 23. Joint testimony with Equality maine, Maine Trans Net, ACLU of Maine, American Academy of Pediatrics, Maine Chapter.
LD 936, “An Act to Require Disclosure of Pay Ranges and Record Keeping of Pay History.” March 21.
LD 564, “An Act to Improve Access to Civil Legal Services.” Joint testimony with ACLU of Maine, Equality Maine, GLBT Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), MaineTransNet, and the Maine Women’s Lobby. March 21.
LD 78 “RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Constitution of Maine and Regarding the Publication of Maine Indian Treaty Obligations & LD 578” & “RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Concerning the Publication of Maine Indian Treaty Obligations.” Joint testimony from MaineTransNet, Maine Women’s Lobby, and EqualityMaine. March 4.
LD 258, Statement of increased wages for the childcare workforce into the 2023-24, delivered to the Appropriations and Financial Affairs and Health and human Services Committees. February 21.
LD 258, Statement on inclusion of Paid Family & Medical Leave into the 2023-24 state budget, delivered to the Appropriations and Financial Affairs and Labor and Housing Committees. February 10.
LD 34, “An Act to Require a Person to Show Photographic Identification for the Purpose of Voting.” February 6.
Testimony on Labor and Housing Supplemental Budget on behalf of the Maine Paid Leave Coalition. Destie Hohman Sprague, March 3.
LD 1899, “An Act To Ensure Safe Entry and Access for People Seeking Health Care and Other Constitutional Rights.” Destie Hohman Sprague, March 1.
LD 1721, “An Act Regarding Dignity for Women in Correctional Facilities.” Destie Hohman Sprague, February 18.
LD 1626, “An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act.” Destie Hohman Sprague, February 15.
LD 1610, “An Act To Promote Equity in Policy Making by Enhancing the State's Ability To Collect, Analyze and Apply Data.” Destie Hohman Sprague on behalf of the Maine Women’s Lobby, Maine TransNet, and Equality Maine. February 14.
LD 174, "An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Ending Hunger by 2030 Advisory Group.” Destie Hohman Sprague, January 18.
LD 1804, “An Act To Provide Consistency in the Laws Regarding Domestic Partners.” Mary Bonuoto on behalf of GLAD, Maine Transnet, Equality Maine, ACLU of Maine, and Maine Women’s Lobby.
LD 1786, “An Act To Maintain Consistency among Maine's Nondiscrimination Statutes.” Quinn Gormley on behalf of Maine TransNet, EqualityMaine, GLAD, ACLU of Maine, and Maine Women’s Lobby.
LD 344, “RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Explicitly Prohibit Discrimination Based on the Sex of an Individual.” Destie Hohman Sprague, January 11
LD 1712, “An Act To Support Children's Healthy Development and School Success.” Casey Faulkingham, May 21
LD 1711, “An Act To Enhance Enforcement of Employment Laws.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 21
LD 296, “An Act To Provide a Tax Credit for Family Caregivers.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 20
LD 221, “An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2021, June 30, 2022 and June 30, 2023.” Submitted on behalf of Maine’s Coalition on Racial Equity, May 20
LD 1044, “An Act To Protect the Rights of Certain Incarcerated Individuals.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 18
LD 748, “An Act To Remove Coverage under the MaineCare Program for Abortions Not Covered by Medicaid,” and LD 915 “An Act To Conform State Funding to the Federal Hyde Amendment Limiting Funding for Some Abortion Services.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 18
LD 1229, “An Act To Require Certain Medical Providers To Administer Ultrasounds and Provide Information to Certain Pregnant Patients.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 18
LD 1225, “An Act To Provide Dignity for Fetal Remains by Requiring Their Interment or Cremation.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 18
LD 825, “An Act To Ensure Equality in Women’s Health Care Access in Maine by Requiring Facilities Providing Abortions To Inform Patients of Options and Alternatives,” and LD 851 “An Act To Ensure Women Are Informed of Abortion Pill Reversal.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 18
LD 1688, “An Act To Improve Consistency within the Maine Human Rights Act.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 14
LD 1622, “An Act To Promote Individual Retirement Savings through a Public-Private Partnership.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 13
LD 1524, “An Act To Amend the Maine Exclusion Amount in the Estate Tax” and LD 1704, “An Act To Change the Exclusion Amount under the Estate Tax and Provide Additional Funding for the Housing Opportunities for Maine Fund.” Destie Hohman Sprague. May 13
LD 1592, "An Act To Decriminalize Engaging in Prostitution, Strengthen the Laws against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Allow a Person Convicted of Engaging in Prostitution To Petition the Court To Expunge the Record of Conviction." Destie Hohman Sprague, May 12
LD 1652, "An Act To Build a Child Care System by Recruiting and Retaining Maine's Early Childhood Educators Workforce.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 11
LD 1559, “Resolve, To Create the Commission To Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 7
Public Sign-On Testimony for LD 1559, “Resolve, To Create the Commission To Develop a Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits Program.” MWL Community, May 7
LD 1401, “An Act To Prohibit Biological Males from Participating in School Athletic Programs and Activities Designated for Females at Schools That Receive Federal Funding” and LD 926: “An Act To Ban Biological Males from Participating in Women's Sports.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 6
LD 1238, “An Act To Protect Women's Single-Sex Shelters.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 6
LD 1575, “An Act To Improve Maine's Election Laws.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 5
LD 1455, "An Act To Support Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Exploitation." Destie Hohman Sprague, May 5
LD 1357, “An Act To Improve Private Insurance Coverage for Maternity and Postpartum Care.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 5
LD 1573, “An Act An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Study Long-term Care Workforce Issues.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 3
LD 999, "An Act Regarding Background Checks for the Sale of Firearms.” Destie Hohman Sprague, May 3
LD 967, "An Act To Make Possession of Scheduled Drugs for Personal Use a Civil Penalty.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 30
LD 965, “An Act Concerning Nondisclosure Agreements in Employment.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 30
LD 499, "An Act To Eliminate the Waiting Lists for Older and Disabled Residents Who Are Eligible To Receive Home-Based Care.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 21
LD 452, "An Act To Require Certain Schools To Provide Menstrual Products.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 20
LD 1335, "An Act To Provide for Exemption from the Sales Tax for Basic Needs Products and Offset the Loss of Revenue.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 15
LD 718, “An Act To Improve the Health of Maine Residents by Closing Coverage Gaps in the MaineCare Program and the Children's Health Insurance Program.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 15
LD 428, " An Act to Prevent Tax Haven Abuse.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 15
LD 1034, "An Act To Provide Funding To Support the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Maine Tribal Populations.” Destie Hohman Sprague, April 14
Anti-Voter Bundle (LDs 253, 557, 1083, 1099) - in partnership with GLAD GLBTQ+ Legal Advocates and Defenders, April 7
LD 1113, Resolve, To Direct the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Maine Tribal Populations To Study and Propose Solutions to Disparities in Access to Prenatal Care in the State. Destie Hohman Sprague, April 6
LD 1126, An Act to Update the Voter Registration Process; Destie Hohman Sprague, April 5
Testimony on 2021 proposed criminal justice budget; Destie Hohman Sprague, March 1
LD 447, An Act To Require Equivalent Paid Parental Leave for All Parents Employed by Companies Offering Paid Parental Leave; Destie Hohman Sprague, March 1
LD 265, "An Act to Provide Women with Affordable Postpartum Care.”; Destie Hohman Sprague, February 24
L.D. 2 An Act To Require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the Legislative Process; Destie Hohman Sprague, February 3
LD 1422, “An Act Regarding Conditions in Correctional Facilities for Female Prisoners”; Destie Hohman Sprague, March 11
LD 2085, “An Act to Ensure Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care and Education in All Maine’s Jails and State Correctional and Detention Facilities”; Destie Hohman Sprague, March 2
LD 1613: An Act Regarding Women’s Health and Economic Security; Destie Hohman Sprague, February 13
LD 1760: An Act to Support Children’s Healthy Development and School Readiness; Destie Hohman Sprague, February 13
LD 1919: An Act To Provide a Tax Credit for Family Caregivers; Destie Hohman Sprague, February 5
LD 1948: An Act To Prohibit, Except in Emergency Situations, the Performance without Consent of Pelvic Examinations on Unconscious or Anesthetized Patients'; Destie Hohman Sprague, January 29
Public Comment on Rule Changes to Affordable Care Act’s Section 1557 (Health Care Rights Law); Whitney Parrish, August 13th
LD 1756 An Act To Improve Public Safety through Coordinated Reentry of Prisoners into the Community; Whitney Parrish, June 3
LD 1723 An Act To Allow the Confinement of Female Prisoners at the Long Creek Youth Development Center; Whitney Parrish, May 29
LD 1422 An Act Regarding Conditions in Correctional Facilities for Female Prisoners; Whitney Parrish, May 29
LDs 1774 and 1772: An Act To Reduce Child Poverty by Leveraging Investments so Families Can Thrive (LIFT) and An Act to Secure Transitions to Economic Prosperity for Maine Families and Children (STEP); Whitney Parrish, May 28
LD 1449 An Act to Facilitate Compliance with Federal Immigration Law by State and Local Government Entities; Whitney Parrish, May 22
LD 1684 An Act To Clarify the Right to Counsel for Juveniles and improve Due Process for Juveniles; Whitney Parrish, May 20
LD 1688 An Act To Protect Original Birth Certificates; Whitney Parrish, May 13
LD 1584 An Act to Attract, Build and Retain an Early Childhood Education Workforce through Increased Training, Education and Career Pathways; Whitney Parrish, May 9
LD 149 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Provide Student Debt Forgiveness To Support Workforce Attraction and Retention; Whitney Parrish, May 9
LDs 51, 52, 109, 407, 437, 1281, 1591, 1611, 1243, and 1617, Health Care Bundle; Whitney Parrish, May 9
LD 666 An Act To Protect Pregnant Workers; Whitney Parrish, May 6
LD 1245 An Act To Protect Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence in Certain Provisions under the Maine Human Rights Act; Whitney Parrish, May 6
LD 777 An Act To Establish the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial and Ethnic Populations; Whitney Parrish, May 2
LD 1491 An Act To Establish the Maine Work Tax Credit; Whitney Parrish, May 2
LD 1539 An Act To Provide Maine Children Access to Affordable Health Care; Whitney Parrish, May 2
LD 1529 An Act Concerning Nondisclosure Agreements in Employment; Whitney Parrish, April 24
LD 1410 An Act To Create Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits; Whitney Parrish, April 19
LD 1453 An Act To Improve Dental Health for Maine Children and Adults with Low Incomes; Whitney Parrish, April 17
LD 1417 An Act To Expand Access to Head Start To Assist Opioid-affected and Other At-risk Families; Whitney Parrish, April 17
LD 1171 An Act To Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence and To Support Survivors; Whitney Parrish, April 17
LD 1317 An Act To Restore Services To Help Certain Noncitizens Meet Their Basic Needs; Whitney Parrish, April 12
LD 1324 Resolve, To Establish the Committee to Study the Feasibility of Creating Basic Income Security; Whitney Parrish, April 3
LD 1250 An Act To Prohibit Sexual Harassment as a Subject Matter of Mandatory Arbitration in Employment Contracts; Whitney Parrish, April 3
LD 748 An Act To Provide Relief to Survivors of Economic Abuse; Whitney Parrish, April 2
LD 820 An Act To Prevent Discrimination in Public and Private Insurance Coverage for Pregnant Women in Maine; Whitney Parrish, March 27
LDs 612, 739, 830, 808, 425, and 1098, Minimum Wage Bundle; Whitney Parrish, March 18
LD 628 An Act to Ensure Comprehensive Access to Menstrual Products in All Maine’s Jails, County Correctional Facilities and State Correctional and Detention Facilities; Whitney Parrish, March 8
LD 433, RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Explicitly Prohibit Discrimination Based on the Sex of an Individual; Whitney Parrish, March 7
LD 214 An Act to Increase Funding for Civil Legal Services; Whitney Parrish, February 28
LD 286 An Act To Provide a Sales Tax Exemption for Feminine Hygiene Products; Whitney Parrish, February 26
LD 369 An Act to Support Healthy Workplaces and Healthy Families by Providing Earned Paid Sick Leave to Certain Employees; Eliza Townsend, February 25
LD 480 An Act to Ensure Pay Transparency and To Reduce Gender and Racial Wage inequities; Whitney Parrish, February 20
LD 278 An Act Regarding Pay Equality; Whitney Parrish, February 6
LD 37 An Act To Allow for the Sale of Nonprescription Drugs Through Vending Machines; Whitney Parrish, February 5 – presented by Eliza Townsend
LD 1 An Act to Protect Health Care Coverage for Maine Families; Whitney Parrish, January 29
Title IX, Federal proposed rule change comment; Whitney Parrish, January 29
Earned Paid Sick Days ordinance, Portland; Eliza Townsend, April 24