2024-2025 Policy Intern

About the Maine Women’s Lobby/MWL Education Fund: 

The Maine Women’s Lobby (501c4) works to build gender justice in Maine through legislative advocacy and systems change. We do this by providing direct legislative advocacy and policy analysis, and by building and supporting a gender-responsive Legislature. The MWL Education Fund (501c3) works to build gender justice in Maine by ensuring our community has the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage in gender-equitable public policy advocacy and civic life. We do this by developing leaders for gender equity, building coalitions and partnerships, and engaging communities in support of our shared goals.

Policy Intern Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

Maine Women’s Lobby Policy Intern is responsible for supporting MWL staff in policy research and analysis, tracking priority legislation, and crafting bill testimony on a range of bills addressing the harmful effects of misogyny and sexism and building more equitable systems. Interns will have the opportunity to hone research, policy analysis and writing skills for policy briefings, policy reports and testimony on bills. Interns also have the opportunity to learn about the legislative process, including through closely tracking the progress of MWL’s priority legislation throughout the legislative session and attending internal and partner meetings related to MWL’s legislative efforts. 

The Internship schedule and hours are flexible, and can be completed fully remote or hybrid (remotely and at Maine’s State House in Augusta). The Internship is ideally a full-year position and is designed for social work or graduate students studying policy and/or law and could fulfill a practicum/field education requirement. Undergraduate students and those who are only able to complete a single semester internship are still eligible and encouraged to apply. 

How to Apply 

Please email Lily@mainewomen.org with a resume and cover letter detailing why you are interested in this internship and what you hope to gain from this experience. Applicants will be considered on a rolling basis.

Volunteers are essential to powering our work.

House parties are our best way to connect to new members and supporters, to grow our network, and to hear directly from the community. They can take place as a virtual happy hour or breakfast club, a discussion group, a cocktail party or anything in between. To find out more, contact Dania.

Administrative support (stuffing envelopes, data entry, and more) helps us use our time and resources efficiently. To find out more, contact us at info@mainewomen.org.

Volunteer with us!