Join us to celebrate the end of the legislative session, honor our annual awardees, to connect with feminist friends, food, and fun, and to kick off election season!

Get tickets now.

Ticket Levels

Business sponsors: Join us at the Referendum Ranunculus or Fair Election Foxgloves levels!

Nonprofit Partners: Join us at the Caucus of Crocus level and bring 4 friends!

Can’t make it? You’re an Absentee Aster! Send your regrets with a $25 donation through our ticketting form!

  • $25

  • $50

  • $100

  • $250

  • $500

  • $1,000

Maine Women’s Lobby Annual Awards

Find last years’ winners and more on our awards here.

Do you know any incredible activists, advocates, and all around cool humans who are working to liberate gender in Maine? Nominate them for our 2nd annual 'Pie in the Sky' Award! Submit your nomination HERE!

This award is given to organizational partners who work to create gender justice through collaboration and network building.

This award is given to an individual or organization working to liberate gender, dismantling harmful gender norms and building new frameworks for a future free from sexism or misogyny.

This award is given to an individual volunteer or community member helping us meet our mission. 

This award is given to legislators and legislative staff who work to create gender justice through policy change in the Maine legislature.


  • Please park along the access road which is off of Hanson Road. This address will get you there: 6 Hanson Road.

  • Dress for the weather, personal style, and comfort - there is no formal dress code and we encourage everyone to wear what makes them feel their best.

  • Enthusiastic YES! The farm is open - check out the flowers and explore this special space.

  • It depends. The roads on the farm are dirt and events take place on a lawn, where the ground can be uneven. There is a small step into the barn and a step into the bathrooms. If you need to park closer, there will be someone at the farm who can direct you to a spot closer to the event.

  • If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend the event. All attendees are expected to follow guidance provided by the Maine Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control as to when to isolate and/or mask.

    All attendees are welcome to mask voluntarily for any reason, particularly if another member of the household is sick.

    We will provide at-home testing kits, hand sanitizer, and masks whenever possible. Please feel free to contact staff for any assistance before or during the event.

  • We have drinks (beer, wine, seltzers, water) and snacks (by Charcutemarie).