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Lincoln County Canvass for Care

Without care work, other work grinds to a halt. Care workers – whether they are unpaid stay at home parents or family caregivers, direct care or childcare workers, or people leaving the workplace or going without pay because they don’t have access to care systems like paid family leave - keep our economy running. Recognizing and compensating care work is one of the most powerful ways to advance gender equity in Maine.

Join our Lincoln County Canvass for Care to share the power of voting for candidates who support care - including Governor Mills, who we are endorsing as our Care Candidate in this election. There’s no experience necessary - just a committment to gender equity, and the ability to walk or drive with friends and family. We’ll have lots of feminist fun together! Find out more and register here.

September 20

Tea at the Blaine House

October 29

The Fall of the Patriarchy