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Stand Up, Speak Out, Organize: Maine's Fight for Women's Rights

As part of the "World In Your Library" Series with Maine Humanities Council, we are happy to welcome Maine historian Candace Kanes for this exciting discussion. Starting in the early 19th century, women – along with men – began organizing to gain rights for enslaved persons and for all women. This brief look at some of those efforts in Maine will highlight a few of the people, some of the arguments, and some of the methods used into the twentieth century to gain equal rights. It will touch on women's rights to control property and wages and other civic rights, focusing especially on suffrage, as well as rights of working women. Registration is available here.

May 5

LD 1559: Paid Family and Medical Leave for Maine

May 13

Bill Bites: Whistleblower Act and Workplace Protections with Senate President Troy Jackson